Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Pray for Paula

Paula Berry, second from left, doing what she does best, ministering to hurting people.

Please pray for Paula Berry. She is a longtime volunteer for the Mission. In fact, the Berry family have been volunteering at the Mission since the late 1920s.

Paula teaches Sunday School at the Mission and also leads a Girls Club during the week in our Breakout Youth Center. One of my favorite Paula Berry of the girls in Paula's Girls Club made a very bad decision and ended up pregnant. Paula and her ministry partner Karen Johnson were faced with a decision. Should the girl continue to be allowed to come after making such a bad decision? What if other girls in the club got the same bad idea. But if she allowed the girl to continue to come, Paula and Karen could love on the girl and give her the support she needed. After all, she chose to keep the baby and that's a good decision. Paula and Karen decided to allow the girl to keep coming and supported her to the hilt. Paula has a huge heart for people.

Cancer is attacking our friend Paula. Please attack it back with prayer. Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Paula lost her battle today 07/04/09. She won the war, though. She is with our Lord. Please pray for her husband Tony and the rest of the family. Thanks.
