Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ministry by the numbers - March 2009

Mike Parks, one of our staff at our Benevolence Center, readies food baskets to be given away to the poor.

Here's what the Lord did last month at South Side Mission. Let's rejoice and pray together about these things...


Indicated decisions to follow Christ for the month

Average number of homeless women & children housed nightly

Families served with free clothing, furniture, appliances & housewares

Attendance in our Sunday School, weekly

Attendance at our RiverWest Bible Study

Elderly Services home, hospital or nursing home visits

Formerly homeless women moving out successfully

Food baskets given away at our RiverWest Satellite Office

Average attendance at the Lighthouse Diner

Food baskets given away through our Garden Street Benevolence Center

College Club kids enrolled at ICC

Food baskets given away at our Harrison Homes Satellite Office

Attendance at our Harrison Homes Bible Study

Attendance in our Chapel services, Laramie Street, weekly

Attendance in our Chapel services, Garden Street, weekly

Number of churches involved with our Adoptablock program

Pastoral care visits & counsels (non-elderly)

Kids enrolled in after-school tutoring

Hot meals to the poor


Monthly revenue vs. budgeted

Monthly expenses vs. budgeted

Positive or Negative on the Month
+ $102,937

Yearly revenue vs. budgeted

Yearly expenses vs. budgeted

Positive or Negative on the Year
- $61,662

The Lord smiled upon us, financially, in March 2009. In March, expenses were under budget, contributions were over budget, praise God. Mission Mart sales exceeded budget. We are using a three-pronged approach to getting through this year…
1. Pray more. And we finish, pray even more.
2. Be resourceful about revenue.
3. Be resourceful about expenses. Barter. Go without.

In the month of March the school ministry had over 100 children in our four before-school chapel services in District 150 public schools in 61605 during a week! Almost half of them (48) were at our brand new and red-hot Harrison Primary School ministry!

Three (3) more churches signed on for Adopt–A-Block in March.
1. El Vista Baptist Church,
2. Morning Glory Ministries
3. Woodland Baptist Church.

Director of Elderly Services Robin Winfrey RN reports that she has begun a Bible study at the primarily senior citizen apartment house called South Side Manor. It is her goal to get a Bible study going in each apartment complex in 61605 that caters primarily to senior citizens.

Associate Executive Director, Youth Ministries Sheree Lyles reports that all 14 College Club students at ICC that started this fall are still enrolled! We are encouraged that they continue to come back to the Mission to use the computer lab or encourage our high school age College Club members. Two of the high school club members are planning on enrolling at ICC this fall so far. Our very own Ben Brodt came down to the college club to share financial aid info with the students.

[from Director of Elderly Services Robin Winfrey, RN’s monthly report]
Elmira had an ER visit and was taken immediately for a lung biopsy. God sent Frank and I to minister to her the very next day. She is now set up for Meals on Wheels and I took a food basket the next day. Her fridge was empty. God loves Elmira and she needs all our love and prayers at this time.

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