Our friends at Imago Dei Church partner with us at South Side Mission's RiverWest Housing Project satellite office. Imago Dei provides wonderful volunteer support and ministry to residents of RiverWest. Take a look at what they are doing in Jesus' name!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
7:45 on a Saturday Morning
Ashley gets ready to deliver a couple of hand-knit afgans to some chilly and low-income senior citizens.
Doesn't anyone sleep in anymore?
7:45 on a Saturday morning. More than 100 volunteers from WCIC descended upon us to winterize the homes of 50 low-income senior citizens in zip code 61605. Dozens of volunteers from Harvest Bible Chapel in Morton came down to cook a hot breakfast for the homeless women and their children in our shelter. And a strong cadre of prayer warriors came down for a 24-hour prayer meeting that began at 6 p.m. last night. What would inspire all these folks to come down and help? Why, the Lord, of course!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Ministry Highlights For the Month - October 2009
Decisions to follow Christ for the month
Average number of homeless women & children housed nightly
Families served with free clothing, furniture, appliances & housewares
Attendance in our Sunday School, weekly
Attendance at our RiverWest Bible Study
Elderly Services home, hospital or nursing home visits
Formerly homeless women moving out successfully
Food baskets given away at our RiverWest Satellite Office
Average attendance at the Lighthouse Diner
Kids enrolled in after-school tutoring
Churches involved with Adoptablock
Food baskets given away through our Garden Street Benevolence Center
Attendance at our South Side Manor Bible Study
College Club kids enrolled at ICC
Food baskets given away at our Harrison Homes Satellite Office
Attendance at our Harrison Homes Bible Study
Attendance in our Chapel services, Laramie Street, weekly
Attendance in our Chapel services, Garden Street, weekly
Attendance at our B’Nai B’Rith Bible Study
Pastoral care visits & counsels (non-elderly)
Hot meals to the poor
Average number of homeless women & children housed nightly
Families served with free clothing, furniture, appliances & housewares
Attendance in our Sunday School, weekly
Attendance at our RiverWest Bible Study
Elderly Services home, hospital or nursing home visits
Formerly homeless women moving out successfully
Food baskets given away at our RiverWest Satellite Office
Average attendance at the Lighthouse Diner
Kids enrolled in after-school tutoring
Churches involved with Adoptablock
Food baskets given away through our Garden Street Benevolence Center
Attendance at our South Side Manor Bible Study
College Club kids enrolled at ICC
Food baskets given away at our Harrison Homes Satellite Office
Attendance at our Harrison Homes Bible Study
Attendance in our Chapel services, Laramie Street, weekly
Attendance in our Chapel services, Garden Street, weekly
Attendance at our B’Nai B’Rith Bible Study
Pastoral care visits & counsels (non-elderly)
Hot meals to the poor
Monthly revenue vs. budgeted
Monthly expenses vs. budgeted
Positive or Negative on the Month
- $14,906
Yearly revenue vs. budgeted
Yearly expenses vs. budgeted
Positive or Negative on the Year
- $280,894
How we’re doing versus budget
+ $23,399
Indicated decisions for Christ 362
The Holy Spirit is still pouring out Himself on the South Side. There were a total of 284 cards completed indicating a decision for Christ at Benevolence Center in October, 10 in Mission at Prayer, one at the RiverWest Housing Project Satellite Office of South Side Mission, eight students at Harrison School, 13 seniors in Elderly Services, one child in Sunday School, four ladies at the Laramie Street chapel, 25 kids in the Breakout Youth Center, five in Kings Kids, five moms who came for Mother’s Day Out, and four ladies in the New Promise Center shelter for homeless women and their children.
On the year, we are $23,399 better than expected! Praise God! As we gather around our Thanksgiving tables this month, let’s take time to thank the Lord for His amazing provision at the Mission this year.
South Side Mission usually is behind on the year until close to year end. Historically, year end is spectacular for the Mission, with both November and December showing a healthy positive return. We budgeted to break even in 2010, so if things continue on as we think they will, we should see a modest positive return on the year.
God Sightings
South Side Mission saw its largest food drive, maybe ever, on Saturday and Sunday the 24th and 25th when Northwoods Community Church partnered with Walmart North Allen Road and Kroger Northpoint to drop 56,000 pounds of food on our Benevolence Center! That’s two semitrailers and a box truck worth, by the way! This should keep our BC, and the two pantries in our satellite offices stocked until May, I would guess.
South Side Mission saw its largest food drive, maybe ever, on Saturday and Sunday the 24th and 25th when Northwoods Community Church partnered with Walmart North Allen Road and Kroger Northpoint to drop 56,000 pounds of food on our Benevolence Center! That’s two semitrailers and a box truck worth, by the way! This should keep our BC, and the two pantries in our satellite offices stocked until May, I would guess.
While the Mission does not celebrate Halloween, staff have found a way to "flip the script" on the dark holiday by using the Jack-O-Lantern as a Gospel presentation, with surprising results. Essentially our staff present that Jesus cleans up all of the gunk inside us and puts his light in our hearts, expressing this through the carving of a pumpkin. Three different departments used this method and here’s what happened…
· 5 kids in Kings Kids made decisions for Christ
· 5 kids in After School Clubs made decisions for Christ
· 2 senior citizens at South Side Manor made decisions
What’s New
We had our first case of H1N1 Swine Flu in the New Promise Center shelter. A mom with two kids had it and we quarantined them for the duration of their being contagious. It did not spread. Mom and kids are doing just fine now and at the time of this writing are still living with us.
We had our first case of H1N1 Swine Flu in the New Promise Center shelter. A mom with two kids had it and we quarantined them for the duration of their being contagious. It did not spread. Mom and kids are doing just fine now and at the time of this writing are still living with us.
Minister Bessie Rush reports that two new Hope Builders projects were completed on Saturday, October 31, 2009. There were representatives from Woodland Church, Northwood, Latter Rain and Harvest Bible Chapel that worked on the projects. We are continuing to accept some projects as we prepare for next year. Applications are still being accepted for the Hope Builders 2010. What a mighty God we serve that we can partner together to show the love of Christ!
Bessie also passes on the following External Ministries updates…
· The community family/youth ministry continues to grow at RiverWest. They have tutored over seventy-five (75) children in seven weeks!
· In six weeks the SSM school ministry ministered to 147 students, 1 staff and 2 parents! One parent was from Harrison School and shared her personal life troubles and we encouraged her to trust God to keep her and her family safe. After sharing she said she felt so much better! Please keep Manual High School in your prayers. This month a 16 year old student was killed. He was not in our morning group, but many of the students that attend our morning chapel service knew him and are grieving. We ministered to a Security guard at Manual who was grieving for the lost life of this young man.
· Our Adopt A Block teams continue to be faithful. Several teams are depending less on South Side Mission and are creatively taking charge of their blocks. Richwood Christian Church and Maranatha Church are putting on a Thanksgiving dinner and the residents on their blocks are the special guest!
· It’s now official Word of Faith Christian Church has completed their AAB training. God really blessed them during the prayer walk on their blocks. Over 20 people were present to minister to the needs of the blocks. They prayed with a young man and it was evident that God ministered to him. Word of Faith has been assigned blocks on Millman and Butler! This is also the block where the 16 year old young man was lost his life.
· The community family/youth ministry continues to grow at RiverWest. They have tutored over seventy-five (75) children in seven weeks!
· In six weeks the SSM school ministry ministered to 147 students, 1 staff and 2 parents! One parent was from Harrison School and shared her personal life troubles and we encouraged her to trust God to keep her and her family safe. After sharing she said she felt so much better! Please keep Manual High School in your prayers. This month a 16 year old student was killed. He was not in our morning group, but many of the students that attend our morning chapel service knew him and are grieving. We ministered to a Security guard at Manual who was grieving for the lost life of this young man.
· Our Adopt A Block teams continue to be faithful. Several teams are depending less on South Side Mission and are creatively taking charge of their blocks. Richwood Christian Church and Maranatha Church are putting on a Thanksgiving dinner and the residents on their blocks are the special guest!
· It’s now official Word of Faith Christian Church has completed their AAB training. God really blessed them during the prayer walk on their blocks. Over 20 people were present to minister to the needs of the blocks. They prayed with a young man and it was evident that God ministered to him. Word of Faith has been assigned blocks on Millman and Butler! This is also the block where the 16 year old young man was lost his life.
What’s new? Our bunk beds at Camp Kearney! Thanks to volunteers from Mt. Hawley Community Church and our own hardworking Camp staff, we have built 40 new bunk beds at Camp Kearney!
Stories of People You Have Helped
[from New Promise Center Caseworker Elizabeth Diviney’s report]
Sage has resided in the mission since early July. Her previous history with the mission has been that she would come here and then either be asked to leave for her alcohol abuse or just not return. Sage has made a change in her life and recommitted her life to the Lord. She is participating in the New Promise Center Program, she enjoys going to chapel and bible study, and participates actively in the life skill classes. She recently became employed and has begun saving money. She is also currently studying for her GED with our onsite program with district 150 and is the most determined person in the class. She was also invited to do the radio station this month with Pastor Frank. In a meeting with her she stated, "You know this time is my time to succeed because for the first time in my life I have truly accepted God into my life". She felt as if that is what has been missing the entire time.
[from New Promise Center Caseworker Elizabeth Diviney’s report]
Sage has resided in the mission since early July. Her previous history with the mission has been that she would come here and then either be asked to leave for her alcohol abuse or just not return. Sage has made a change in her life and recommitted her life to the Lord. She is participating in the New Promise Center Program, she enjoys going to chapel and bible study, and participates actively in the life skill classes. She recently became employed and has begun saving money. She is also currently studying for her GED with our onsite program with district 150 and is the most determined person in the class. She was also invited to do the radio station this month with Pastor Frank. In a meeting with her she stated, "You know this time is my time to succeed because for the first time in my life I have truly accepted God into my life". She felt as if that is what has been missing the entire time.
[from Director of Transportation Mark Bowden’s report]
October’s ministry included service to a large number of families where a member had moved into nursing care or were recently deceased. One such pickup had a great memory of Helen Haien. As a little girl, a house in Joyce’s Neighborhood had burnt, killing two and leaving two orphans. Miss Haien took the two children in and cared for them until other arrangements could be made. Helen left a powerful and positive impression that impacted those she served as well as those who witnessed her service, as we are called to do each day.
[from Assistant Executive Director and Senior Pastor Frank Winfrey’s report]
God allowed me to be apart of some connecting of one of our former Girls Club students with some needed help with her CILCO bill. She had been in contact with one of our area churches and this pastor knew me and asked if I could verify her need. This is the second time with this particular church I have been able to link some benevolent resources to the need. It was a little more special this time because I was able to help someone I had known for a long time.
God met with us in a powerful way in one of our mission at prayer meetings. We had sung the song "He’s Changing Me." After this I felt led of the Lord to challenge the ladies to share how they saw God changing their lives. It was encouraging to hear story after story of what God was doing for them.
Some of the messages I heard I will summarize for you:
#1- I used to think that I needed a man at my side to feel good about myself. I would try to serve them and be kind and loyal to seek to get from them the love I needed. I now know that I don’t need to seek out a man to feel good about myself. Maybe I am heavy and I have some physical handicaps but I am starting to feel good about myself. I like myself. Just recently I bought some new PJ’s . My son looked at me in those the other night and said to me, "Mom, you look cute in that!" I gave him a big hug. God has brought me here to be encouraged and I can learn something from each woman in this room.
#2 I have learned hope.
#3 This is my second time here. I went through the motions to stay legal while I was here the last time. This time I want to learn all I can.
I then had some of the ladies share where they saw growth in each other.
#1 One lady went around the room and shared what she was getting from each individual person. She had something to good to say about each one.
#2 One of the ladies laughed and began to talk about "Chrissie." She said went I first came here I stayed away from you. My first introduction to you was you running out the door cussing and screaming mad. Now I have seen you change and there really is a sweet person on the inside that I couldn’t see at first. God has definitely been changing you! (this was followed by a lot of agreeing laughter from the other ladies).
Isn’t it neat to see the Word of God, and being faithful to love people make a difference!
God allowed me to be apart of some connecting of one of our former Girls Club students with some needed help with her CILCO bill. She had been in contact with one of our area churches and this pastor knew me and asked if I could verify her need. This is the second time with this particular church I have been able to link some benevolent resources to the need. It was a little more special this time because I was able to help someone I had known for a long time.
God met with us in a powerful way in one of our mission at prayer meetings. We had sung the song "He’s Changing Me." After this I felt led of the Lord to challenge the ladies to share how they saw God changing their lives. It was encouraging to hear story after story of what God was doing for them.
Some of the messages I heard I will summarize for you:
#1- I used to think that I needed a man at my side to feel good about myself. I would try to serve them and be kind and loyal to seek to get from them the love I needed. I now know that I don’t need to seek out a man to feel good about myself. Maybe I am heavy and I have some physical handicaps but I am starting to feel good about myself. I like myself. Just recently I bought some new PJ’s . My son looked at me in those the other night and said to me, "Mom, you look cute in that!" I gave him a big hug. God has brought me here to be encouraged and I can learn something from each woman in this room.
#2 I have learned hope.
#3 This is my second time here. I went through the motions to stay legal while I was here the last time. This time I want to learn all I can.
I then had some of the ladies share where they saw growth in each other.
#1 One lady went around the room and shared what she was getting from each individual person. She had something to good to say about each one.
#2 One of the ladies laughed and began to talk about "Chrissie." She said went I first came here I stayed away from you. My first introduction to you was you running out the door cussing and screaming mad. Now I have seen you change and there really is a sweet person on the inside that I couldn’t see at first. God has definitely been changing you! (this was followed by a lot of agreeing laughter from the other ladies).
Isn’t it neat to see the Word of God, and being faithful to love people make a difference!
[from Associate Executive Director, Benevolence, Steve Dunn’s report]
I had a man run up to me while I was at the back desk, asking me to help him get saved! He had such urgency in his voice that I bowed my head and led him in the sinner’s prayer. I saw him the next day and he said he never felt so good in all of his life. To God be the Glory.
I had a man run up to me while I was at the back desk, asking me to help him get saved! He had such urgency in his voice that I bowed my head and led him in the sinner’s prayer. I saw him the next day and he said he never felt so good in all of his life. To God be the Glory.
[from Kings Kids Teacher Lisa Abel’s report]
Lisa has a boy in her class who has not heard a lot of the Bible stories. He is always excited when Lisa shares stories with the children. He remembered that Noah obeyed God. This was exciting for Lisa to know that the children listen.
Lisa has a boy in her class who has not heard a lot of the Bible stories. He is always excited when Lisa shares stories with the children. He remembered that Noah obeyed God. This was exciting for Lisa to know that the children listen.
Et Cetera
The Board of Directors (and others) have been challenging South Side Mission to expand our discipleship programs for the community. The Lord seems to be moving us in the direction of Bible Studies. They are exploding at South Side Mission. Did you know there are 15 Bible Studies each week at South Side Mission?
· Three in the New Promise Center shelter
· Alpha
· Benevolence Center
· Harrison Primary School
· Roosevelt Magnet School
· Trewyn Middle School
· Manual High School
· Three at our Harrison Homes Satellite Office
· B’Nai B’Rith Senior Citizen housing
· South Side Manor Senior Citizen housing
· River West Satellite Office
The Board of Directors (and others) have been challenging South Side Mission to expand our discipleship programs for the community. The Lord seems to be moving us in the direction of Bible Studies. They are exploding at South Side Mission. Did you know there are 15 Bible Studies each week at South Side Mission?
· Three in the New Promise Center shelter
· Alpha
· Benevolence Center
· Harrison Primary School
· Roosevelt Magnet School
· Trewyn Middle School
· Manual High School
· Three at our Harrison Homes Satellite Office
· B’Nai B’Rith Senior Citizen housing
· South Side Manor Senior Citizen housing
· River West Satellite Office
Steve Dunn reports that at our Benevolence Center this year, we have recycled 339,724 pounds of overflow as of October 31, 2009 equaling $16,986 for the year. Our Cilco bill runs $1500 a month. If we paid our Cilco bill with our recycling efforts we would have $1986 left to put into the ministry!
We welcome Peter Nevi as a part-time driver. Some of you know Peter Nevi from his amazing testimony DVD that has been circulating around. It’s nice to have him on the team.
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