Thursday, October 22, 2009

Twenty-Five Years

Janet took a walk up the Laramie Street Hill this week on one of the few sunny days we've had.

It was the first sunny day of freedom she's had in 25 years.

You see, Janet paroled to South Side Mission from Dwight Correctional Center, where she'd spent the last 25 years.

A sunny day to walk up the hill and feel the breeze on her face, the sun on her skin, the autumn scent of burning leaves. It was a rich time for Janet.

Please say a prayer for Janet as she tries to re-start a life interrupted. We'll do our best to introduce her to a friend who can guide her in this journey-- a friend who will stick closer to her than a brother--the Lord Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

To Comfort Those Who Mourn

"My child just died at the Hospital."

The out of town mother who visited our Mission Mart on Knoxville, not far from the Hospitals, was there to buy something to bury her child in. Shell-shocked, she needed something to wear to the funeral herself.

At times like this, our store staff forgets this is a store. Mission Mart becomes a place of ministry. Staffers Julie and Karen came to the aid of this shaken woman and did what they could to "comfort those who mourn" as Isaiah 61 says. We certainly provided the clothing that was necessary and appropriate--at no cost--as we should have at a time like that, but Julie and Karen took time to pray, too.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Ministry By the Numbers - September 2009

A dapper Rev. Craig Williams visits a resident of his adopted block on Starr Street, offering a food basket and an encouraging word.


Decisions to follow Christ for the month

Average number of homeless women & children housed nightly

Families served with free clothing, furniture, appliances & housewares

Attendance in our Sunday School, weekly

Attendance at our RiverWest Bible Study

Elderly Services home, hospital or nursing home visits

Formerly homeless women moving out successfully

Food baskets given away at our RiverWest Satellite Office

Average attendance at the Lighthouse Diner

Kids enrolled in after-school tutoring

Churches involved with Adoptablock

Food baskets given away through our Garden Street Benevolence Center

Attendance at our South Side Manor Bible Study

College Club kids enrolled at ICC

Food baskets given away at our Harrison Homes Satellite Office

Attendance at our Harrison Homes Bible Study

Attendance in our Chapel services, Laramie Street, weekly

Attendance in our Chapel services, Garden Street, weekly

Attendance at our B’Nai B’Rith Bible Study

Pastoral care visits & counsels (non-elderly)

Hot meals to the poor


Monthly revenue vs. budgeted

Monthly expenses vs. budgeted

Positive or Negative on the Month
- $47,020

Yearly revenue vs. budgeted

Yearly expenses vs. budgeted

Positive or Negative on the Year
- $266,230

How we’re doing versus budget
+ $117,717

The Lord has blossomed our pastoral care ministry. In September 2009, He allowed us to conduct 100 visits—58 in Elderly Services and 42 in Pastoral Care. We really are beginning to saturate 61605 with God’s love.

Fresh Fire Church of Canton has been reaping the harvest on their adopted block on the South Side. They are now doing a home bible study with 15 people in attendance!

Jamie, a resident in the New Promise Center came here from Davenport, Iowa because she was trying to escape an abusive situation. The man that she resided with constantly abused her and caused her to be hospitalized many times for various injuries. She finally had enough of it and checked herself into the hospital for a suicide attempt. They did not have room for her so they transferred her to Singer Mental Hospital in Rockford, IL. They in turn recommended the South Side Mission as a safe place that she could restart her life. When Jamie first arrived she was in tears most of the time and very afraid. She admitted that she had been diagnosed with HIV, but had stayed with her abuser because she believed that no one else would want her. She also did not have one family member that she even talked to because of the poor choices she had made in the past. On her intake paperwork she put down her abusers mother because she did not know of anyone else that we could call in an emergency. Jamie stayed here for seven weeks and faithfully attended all classes. She recommitted her life to God and began to read her bible. She received a certificate of confirmation for completing the discipleship class. In one of the meetings that we had she even joked "I might not have anyone for you to put down on paper in case of emergency but now I do have someone on my side, I have the Lord."

Alethia is one of the very positive role models for the ladies in the shelter. She has a bright employment future because she was able to complete a very comprehensive lead and asbestos training and get licensed by the state. Alethia took a leadership role in chapel on September 20th.. She got up to share a very powerful testimony of God keeping her through intense pain. She had difficulty getting through her testimony, but she was able to share some very hurtful parts of her life and declare, "I am still here!" She challenged the ladies at the end of her testimony to give it all over to God and if they had not given their heart to Christ to do so. The altar was filled with well over a dozen ladies. They had seen the change in Alethia and they knew it was genuine. This was a first—a resident giving an altar call!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Urban Sustainable Farming - The Wave of the Future

As part of our Five-Year-Strategic-Plan, we are investigating beginning an urban sustainable farming program. South Side Mission would eventually grow its own vegetables, farm its own fish, and share each with others. Will Allen, a MacArthur Genius Grant winner and his Growing Power charity in Milwaukee, WI have an outstanding enterprise going that does just that. We will be visiting Growing Power later this month to see what we can learn from them. Watch this video and let me know what you think!