Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Resource Guide for Local Community Assistance

A friend helped by South Side Mission elderly services poses outside her south side home.

Are you looking for a handy guidebook that will tell you where to find local help for people who have needs like dental assistance, emergency day care, free home repairs and more?

Then be sure to check out our Community Resource Guide . This handy reference will help you find assistance for those you encounter with acute needs.

The organizations listed under each category were chosen in this manner:

  1. They have an evangelical witness or if they are not, then
  2. They are a Christian organization or if they are not, then
  3. They are leaders in their respective field of expertise or if they are not, then
  4. They are most appropriate for citizens of the south side or if they are not, then
  5. They are appropriate for citizens in other areas.

This is a dynamic listing. If you are aware of other resources, please email us or comment in the comments section of this blog entry so that we can add them.

Special thanks to South Side Mission Associate Executive Director, Development, Meg Newell for her work on this project.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Clothing the naked

The corner of Western Avenue and Martin Luther King Drive on the south side of Peoria.

South Side Mission Associate Executive Director, Youth, Sheree Lyles was driving a van full of Day Camp kids back to the Mission from a swimming outing about 3 o'clock in the afternoon. What they encountered at the corner of Western Avenue and Martin Luther King Drive shocked Sheree and filled her with pity and dismay.

There, on the sidewalk, was a woman who had just been brutally assaulted. She had been beaten up badly. The thug tradition dictates that when two women fight, the victor tries to strip the loser and leave her naked and bloodied. This poor, wretched lady bore the marks of a beating and was naked from the waist up. In broad daylight. At the corner of a busy intersection on the south side of Peoria. As Sheree rolled down her window, she could hear the jeers and wolf whistles of passers by.

Sheree knew she had to help the helpless, compromised woman there before her, but with a vanful of kids, her options were limited. Sheree immediately pulled over and asked the woman how she could help her. The police were called, help was on the way. Sheree fished around in the van to see if there were any clothing for this pitiful woman. Miraculously, there just happened to be a jacket in the van that fit our new friend well enough. Sheree was able to get the woman calmed down and to see that her injuries were not life threatening.

Isaiah 58, verses 6 through 14 is a very good picture of what goes on at South Side Mission. If you look at the ways the Lord describes "true fasting," these are the activities in which we occupy ourselves. Except we don't often have a chance to truly clothe the naked. Until last week.

Please pray for our new friend, for restoration of her health, her reputation, and her self-esteem. Most importantly for her soul. Please also pray for zip code 61605, the south side of Peoria, as together we help to push back the darkness and lead others to the Light.

Isaiah 58:6-14, from the NIV with thanks to Bible

6 "Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen:
to loose the chains of injustice
and untie the cords of the yoke,
to set the oppressed free
and break every yoke?

7 Is it not to share your food with the hungry
and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter—
when you see the naked, to clothe him,
and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?

8 Then your light will break forth like the dawn,
and your healing will quickly appear;
then your righteousness [a] will go before you,
and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard.

9 Then you will call, and the LORD will answer;
you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I.
"If you do away with the yoke of oppression,
with the pointing finger and malicious talk,

10 and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry
and satisfy the needs of the oppressed,
then your light will rise in the darkness,
and your night will become like the noonday.

11 The LORD will guide you always;
he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land
and will strengthen your frame.
You will be like a well-watered garden,
like a spring whose waters never fail.

12 Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins
and will raise up the age-old foundations;
you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls,
Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.

13 "If you keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath
and from doing as you please on my holy day,
if you call the Sabbath a delight
and the LORD's holy day honorable,
and if you honor it by not going your own way
and not doing as you please or speaking idle words,

14 then you will find your joy in the LORD,
and I will cause you to ride on the heights of the land
and to feast on the inheritance of your father Jacob."
The mouth of the LORD has spoken.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Our pantry shelves are getting low!

Bags of food are witnesses of God's love in several ways at South Side Mission's Benevolence Center!

Serving record numbers of poor people through our three food pantries has left our shelves bare.

At the Benevolence Center 2919 W. Garden, our Harrison Homes housing project satellite office, and our RiverWest housing project satellite office, the poor can come and get a free food basket once a month.

Food baskets are designed to help a family make it through to the next paycheck. A food basket includes at least 5 pounds of meat, a bag of nonperishable food items, fresh vegetables, dairy products, and bread.

If you'd like to donate, these items are in especially short supply...

Cans of soup
Cans of beef stew, spaghetti-os, chicken & dumplings, and other "meals in a can" products
Canned vegetables
Pasta or macaroni & cheese
One pound frozen packages of ground beef

Items can be donated at the Benevolence Center at 2919 W. Garden in Peoria, Monday through Saturday from 6:30 to 3 pm or at 1127 S. Laramie 24 hours a day.


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Ministry By the Numbers - June 2009

The Altar Call at the South Side Mission RiverWest Housing Project outreach picnic on 6/28/09. Many came to faith!


Decisions to follow Christ for the month

Average number of homeless women & children housed nightly

Families served with free clothing, furniture, appliances & housewares

Attendance in our Sunday School, weekly

Attendance at our RiverWest Bible Study

Elderly Services home, hospital or nursing home visits

Formerly homeless women moving out successfully

Food baskets given away at our RiverWest Satellite Office

Average attendance at the Lighthouse Diner

Food baskets given away through our Garden Street Benevolence Center

Food baskets given away at our Harrison Homes Satellite Office

Attendance at our Harrison Homes Bible Study

Attendance in our Chapel services, Laramie Street, weekly

Attendance in our Chapel services, Garden Street, weekly

Number of churches involved with our Adoptablock program

Pastoral care visits & counsels (non-elderly)

Kids enrolled at Camp Kearney

Attendance at our South Side Manor Bible Study

Hot meals to the poor


Monthly revenue vs. budgeted

Monthly expenses vs. budgeted

Positive or Negative on the Month

Yearly revenue vs. budgeted

Yearly expenses vs. budgeted

Positive or Negative on the Year
- $176,665

Over or under budget on the year
- $42,530

Indicated decisions for Christ 551

The Holy Spirit continues his amazing winning streak on the south side of Peoria! This is one of those months when every department sees someone come to the Lord! At our RiverWest Satellite Office community outreach picnic 45 souls came to Christ! At our Harrison Homes Satellite Office, two more stamped their ticket to heaven paid in full! Eight attenders of our Mission at Prayer meetings stepped across the line of faith! One homeowner received free home repairs and Salvation through Jesus Christ in our Hope Builders program! One person came for lunch and left with Jesus at our Lighthouse Diner soup kitchen! Ten lonely souls found their Forever Friend in our Laramie Street chapel! Two homeless ladies made reservations for their Heavenly Home in the New Promise Center shelter! One person on our adopted blocks became adopted into the Lord’s family! Two senior citizens crossed the Finish Line before they crossed the finish line! Jesus loves the little children and 183 of them made a decision at Camp Kearney in June! Lastly, over 900 people came through the doors of our Benevolence Center in June with 296 of them raising their hand to ask Jesus into their hearts and lives. Hallelujah! May the Lord be with us as we attempt to disciple all we can get to.

Camp Kearney is off to a tremendous start in 2009. Most weeks, we are already full on paper. This is a huge step for us. We are seeing numbers at camp that are unprecedented in my nearly 7 years here. Camp Director Paul Mulholland and his staff have put together a great recruitment plan and it is paying off. He is a gem!

Did you know that we now have 5 clergy at South Side Mission that make pastoral care visits? Reverends Frank Winfrey, Howard Bedell, Craig Williams, Linda Butler, and Bessie Rush all do home and hospital visits with the hurting. Additionally, Robin Winfrey does home and hospital visits with the elderly. Together, the six of them conducted 117 different visits in June. Thank you God!

You may have seen news of a fire at South Side Mission this past month. It was a small fire, but it was arson. Because it was arson, it made the papers. Vandals burned the door of one of our storage sheds. Not long after the fire started, a neighbor noticed and called the fire department. Gratefully, the security was not breached and we lost nothing inside the shed.

External Ministries received a call from a precious senior in 61605, whose husband is in a nursing home. Her request was for a wheel chair ramp so that he could come home for weekend visits. Minister Bessie Rush was able to connect her to City of Peoria and assist with filling out her application to see if she qualifies for city services. With-out the ramp he could not come home! With-in a week she was notified that she was going to receive the wheel chair ramp! Then the windows of heaven open! Not only did she receive the ramp, she received new front stairs, new sidewalks, and Hope Builders also painted the outside of her house! She is so overwhelm with joy at how everything happen so quickly. Now this family can be together! How is that for family preservation!

[from Assistant Executive Director and Senior Pastor Frank Winfrey’s report]
The Lord allowed us to experience a beautiful visitation of his spirit even in the midst of tragedy. We lost a baby born prematurely in our shelter for the second time in six weeks. God met us in a powerful way. The ladies in the shelter rallied around this mom and loved on her and cried with her. The family was impressed by the support that she received. At the funeral we were able to involve the ladies in reading Scripture and reading a poem. Most all of them added a few words of their own. God ministered through so many and we were so pleased to see God moving and helping to heal as the body had each individual doing their part. God has built a family here. PTL.

[from Director of Elderly Services Robin Winfrey’s report]
I visited an elderly gentleman in the Harrison Homes who suffered two strokes in the past. The residual effect was extreme left sided weakness. His couch was completely kaput on the left side from him using the arm of the couch to lift himself up; he was literally sitting on the floor with a few inches of couch beneath him. I told Lewis I was going to pray we get a nice couch for his home to replace the broken one. He agreed to pray with me, his daughter was also there and said she would pray too. One Friday Dorothy called me at home from the BC and said she had a beautiful, sturdy couch with a matching chair delivered that afternoon and if I could get it moved early Monday morning my gentleman could have it. I got to the BC as early as I could that next Monday but someone had already seen it and begged Dorothy to give it to her for her dad. Dorothy told her if I hadn’t moved it before chapel was out the woman could have it. I arrived and quickly moved it leaving Dorothy dreading having to tell Cecilia that it was taken while she was in chapel. Lewis was thrilled to have the new couch. He was amazed how beautiful and like new it was. I was sweeping and cleaning the floor before bringing the new couch in. Lewis said let me call my son-in-law to come over and help bring in the couch. He had to leave a message on the cell phone and when he called back I saw the caller ID showed South Side Mission BC. Lewis’s daughter was there with her husband, the very same women begging for the couch from Dorothy!!! They came right over and said we wanted the couch but had no way to get it home. God saved it for Lewis and moved it into the house for him!

I got a call from a daughter of a resident at the Heartland apartments. Her mom was renting a bed from a rent-a-center type of place on a monthly basis. The bed wasn’t very nice and her mom couldn’t afford the monthly payments. She has already called the BC the day before and we had no beds. I told her that often there won’t be an item at the BC until we know about the need. Then the Lord miraculously supplies it. I told her I would stop back at the BC to see if the Lord had come through. So I later went to the BC and reminded Steve of the earlier call and explained the need. Steve said, “Mark just brought it in, Robin.” I looked and saw a magnificent queen size bed complete with headboard, Sealy posturpedic plush pillow top mattress- frame and all. I said, “Honestly Steve that is too nice, we could get a good price for that at the Mission Mart.” Steve said, “I know, I already told Mark that but he said the Lord had told Mark that the bed was to bless someone who needed a bed. So here’s your bed.” Then he yelled to Mark who was just getting back into the truck “you’re right God wanted to bless a senior!” Jehovah Jireh!

[from External Ministries Assistant Reverend Bessie Rush’s report]

A senior citizen, Annie Hously, 80 years old (who has health problems), only had lawn chairs to sit on in her living room. External Ministries was able to get her a nice sofa and a chair for her Harrison Homes apartment. She was so grateful that we help her!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Paula's Funeral Arrangements

Paula Berry passed away the morning of the fourth. Paula was the wife of South Side Mission board member Tony Berry and was a huge part of what goes on at the Mission. Please pray for Tony and the South Side Mission family. She was a strong believer, leading many kids to faith in Christ. She is receiving her substantial reward from our Savior. Well done, my friend.

Her arrangements are as follows:

On Wednesday, July 8th...

10:30 to noon Visitiation at South Side Mission chapel 1127 S. Laramie Peoria IL 61605

Noon Celebration Service at South Side Mission chapel followed by a procession to the cemetery. Then we will meet back at the Mission for lunch in the auxiliary dining room.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Help For the Poor is Growing!

Our new garden on Garden Street (actually the corner of Garden and Idaho) at our Benevolence Center warehouse in Peoria.

I can't believe this didn't occur to us earlier.

After years of relying upon farmers, gardeners, and grocery stores to give us their surplus produce and being chronically short, our Benevolence Center warehouse that helps the poor became a gardener this year. This way, our own garden can begin supplementing our produce supply.

Director Steve Dunn prayed about it and the Lord sent people with plants, hoes, and know-how. The Lord supplied the water. There's a reason He is called the Lord of the Harvest!

We are having an interesting problem, though. What do we do if people in the neighborhood take the produce off the vines before we harvest them to give to these same neighborhood people? We considered a fence, but doesn't that defeat the purpose? We will just trust that the produce gets to the people it's meant to, either through the proper or improper channels!